Coverage currently, the number of Twitter followers is four thousand of Shirota chromatic (monkey). Her "dont she / Max" DVD launch event with a face as a Gravure and photographer have been performed in Tokyo Akihabara. Shirota itself also applied to reporters as photographer. In an interview with Mami Nitta was done on the same day (monkey), appeared as a "photographer Shirota Arisa". Her only female in the reporters is cape only white cardigan on top of the swimsuit, me showing off the figure of as Gravure photographer. Mami-chan, you have cute by and ~, very easily and put the lines does not get in the middle people voice to male reporters, the atmosphere will change the field of air.
バストのサイズは、トップバストの計測数字、または、アンダーバストとトップバストとの差で生じる数値を用いたブラジャーのカップを用いることが一般的である。ブラジャーを着用する際の目安となる。 女性タレントのプロフィール欄にバストサイズが記される場合があるが、カップサイズを明らかにせずにトップバストの採寸サイズのみを表記することもある。近年ではトップバストの採寸数字と、ブラジャーのカップサイズを併せて表記する媒体も増えている(例えばトップバストサイズが90cmでアンダーバストが75cmの場合、本来のバストサイズの表記は「75C」前後である。媒体に表記する際は「90cm・Cカップ」と記されることが多い)。 Bust size of the bust measurement numbers, or be a brassiere cup using a numerical value generated by the difference between the under-bust and bust is common. It is a measure of when to wear a bra. Although there is a case in which bust size in profile field of female talent is written, there may be referred to only measuring the size of the bust without revealing the cup size. Measurements and numbers of top bust in recent years, media to be referred to in conjunction the cup size of bra is also increasing (for example at the top bust size is 90cm case under bust is 75cm, the notation of the original bust size before and after "75C" there. when expressed in the medium is often labeled "90cm · C cups").